E2E is a lean, ambitious and innovative non-profit based in Medellin, Colombia.
E2E was founded IN 2014 by Teryn Wolfe, Fulbright researcher and Director of E2E . E2E was created to solve some of the greatest problems our partners face today by bridging the gaps between the corporate and developing worlds. By partnering across sectors we provide access to resources, knowledge and measurable outcomes that bring together a range of stakeholders to maximize mutually beneficial relationships between business and society.
Why is our work important?
First, A host of complex social, financial and political barriers impede development and can even contribute to extreme poverty and environmental degradation. These problems include a lack of information and communication; inefficiencies and inconsistencies in financing and a lack of human capital to adequately analyze, design and monitor Development efforts.
Second, businesses face increased scrutiny concerning their social and environmental practices. demands for corporate responsibility often create negative perceptions of social investments in the business world. In reality, creating social value can strengthen the corporate world's Reputation--and triple-bottom-line (People, PLanet and Profit).
That is why E2E has created an innovative model to connect and support a network of stakeholders, that collectively, solve problems in both the business and developing worlds-- creating a win-win situation for all of our partners. FInd out more about how we do it at OUr Work Page.
We collaborate with three main partner segments. Our Emerging CUstomers, Established CUstomers, and a strategic allies network. TO learn more about our partners and how we work with them in detail, go to our work Page.